I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 6 and my Teacher is Miss Down.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Jesse Tree
This week we are doing the Jesse Tree. The Jesse Tree is a Christmas tree with symbols representing the line of decendence up to Jesus.
Monday, 10 December 2018
Today I made lanterns for my Christmas tree. I had to colour it then I had cut it out then cut along the line to finish it. I had lots of fun making this my favorite part was colouring it in because there wasn't to much to colour. I really enjoined doing this activity hope we will do something like this again.
Sherbet Experiment
Today we made sherbet. To make it we needed icing sugar to make it taste sweet, tartaric acid and citric acid to make it sour, and baking soda to make it fizz. It was hard to make the best one but we made a really good one. I liked tasting it. It was so so good. I wish there were more. I hope we can do a another experiment like this again.
Sports Assembly
Last week on Friday was the sports assembly. There were lots of certificates handed out. I got a certificate for the 800m, 100m, 200m, shot put, discus and long jump. It was a long assembly it went till after school. I was most proud of the 100m because the person in second was only one second behind me and he is really fast too. It was fun getting all the certificates and I can't wait till next year.
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Potato Gun
last week we did a science experiment about potato guns and how they work. We all got a straw, a skewer and a potato. We had to jab both ends of the straw into the potato,and get the skewer and slowly push it till the bit of potato pops out of the end and if you do it right you can make a smoke trail. It was fun and I can't wait till the next experiment.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Dave Dobbyn Slide Show
Today I made a slide about Dave Dobbyn for topic. I chose Dave Dobbyn because I like his music and he looks a bit like an elf. My favorite part was animating it and making it look cool also learning about him to. I hope I can do something like this again.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Candy Rush

Tuesday, 20 November 2018
World War 1 Project
Today we did a research project about World War One. Each group got two copies of a real World War one artifacts. Me and my partner made a slide about the pieces we got which was the Dardanelles souvenir badge and the Memorial booklet. It was fun searching up and learning about World War One.
Bleeders Ticket
Today I made this ticket for topic. It is a ticket for a fake Bleeders concert. It was fun making this because I got to design it and colour it. I want to do something like this again.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
T .I. M. S. S Test
Last week the Year 5s did the T.I.M.S.S test. The test took three hours. The test has three parts two in the test book and then the questionnaire. When we finished a part of the test we read a book or did one of the activities we got. When we finished it was morning tea. The test was fun and I hope we do something like that again.
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Last week we made comics. The thing I liked most was drawing the comic because I am good at drawing and because it is fun drawing. Mine is about Mr Waffle. He's basically just a waffle who gets eaten by ducks and then gets healed and fights a ninja. This is my comic.

Monday, 5 November 2018
Today we learnt about different types of pedes. Pedes are our name for a pattern with lots of legs. It was really fun to do this activity.
I learned that patterns have rules that you have to find.
I learned that patterns have rules that you have to find.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Persuasive Writing
WALT: we are learning to write a persuasive piece.
Pokemon Go is a game that people catch Pokemon which are little monsters that they catch and hatch to go into battles with other people and Pokemon trainers.
Firstly, Pokemon Go is very dangerous! People get kidnapped while playing Pokemon go also people walk on the road just to catch one Pokemon when they could get squashed or walk of a cliff and Die. Two men in their early twenties who fell an estimate of 50 to 90 feet down a cliff in Encinitas California on a Wednesday afternoon while playing Pokemon go.
Another problem is it’s very addictive so they will start to forget their responsibilities so they will stop eating well and forget to feed their pet and lack of sleep. So they will die because they forget about all these things.
Thirdly, you can also spend lots of money just for things you don’t need like hatching more eggs. So you will spend all your money so you will go broke then you can’t spend money on food or water then you can’t pay your power and water bill then you can’t look after kids then you’ll be kicked out of house and live on the street then you will die because of lack of food and water.
In conclusion Pokemon go should be band so people won't fall of a cliff, spend all there money or there eyes go square. So people should stop playing this instant and do other things like play outside or anything you can imagine of.
Pokemon Go is a game that people catch Pokemon which are little monsters that they catch and hatch to go into battles with other people and Pokemon trainers.
Firstly, Pokemon Go is very dangerous! People get kidnapped while playing Pokemon go also people walk on the road just to catch one Pokemon when they could get squashed or walk of a cliff and Die. Two men in their early twenties who fell an estimate of 50 to 90 feet down a cliff in Encinitas California on a Wednesday afternoon while playing Pokemon go.
Another problem is it’s very addictive so they will start to forget their responsibilities so they will stop eating well and forget to feed their pet and lack of sleep. So they will die because they forget about all these things.
Thirdly, you can also spend lots of money just for things you don’t need like hatching more eggs. So you will spend all your money so you will go broke then you can’t spend money on food or water then you can’t pay your power and water bill then you can’t look after kids then you’ll be kicked out of house and live on the street then you will die because of lack of food and water.
In conclusion Pokemon go should be band so people won't fall of a cliff, spend all there money or there eyes go square. So people should stop playing this instant and do other things like play outside or anything you can imagine of.
Bike Safety
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Today we did a Bigfoot bike safety course. It went on for two whole hours but it was really fun too. We had to do the four point check, which is a safety check for wheels, handlebars, brakes and reflector light. We played the box game. The rules are: you ride your bike in a circle until you put your foot or go out of the circle then you're out. We all had lots of fun doing this activity today.
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
St Francis Xavier Poster
Today I made a poster about St Francis Xavier. He is the saint I picked to be my saint. I like him because he was very kind and caring and because he has the same name as me. I had to lots of research to make this poster. We all did a poster about different saints, we all had lots of fun doing this.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Kia Kaha Shields
Today we made shields for Kia Kaha. We had to write things that are unique about us and what is special about our class and after that we colored them to make them look beautiful like mine. I had a lot of fun making this shield. Hopefully we can do something else like this again.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Calendar Art
For calendar art we coloured in these really cool pictures and then we turned them into our calendar art. We could turn them into sun rays and dye the background, or you could do what I did, cut 2019 out of your picture and stick it on a piece of paper. We did this because every year we make a art calendar for the parents to buy.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Maungwhau Visit
In the morning we went to the hall to see some performances for Maungawhau school. There was a Kapa Haka group and their Pasifika drumming group. I like the Pasifika drumming group because of their unique drums. They also did a sasa dance which was awesome, especially because they had just learnt it and they were still really good.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
cultural Quiz
This week was Cultural Week. Today the seniors did a quiz there were 20 question altogether and Sheridan had a colouring in competition. My team name was Tonga and we were a team of 4. I was the only boy in my group. For the quiz we got a piece of paper and we had to write all the questions in the lines. Sadly we didn't place but we all had fun doing it.
Saturday, 15 September 2018
Cultural Week
For Cultural Week we had to pick three out of seven cultures to study. I picked Brazilian, Spanish and Chinese. I got into the Brazilian class. I was really happy to get into Brazil. In Brazilian class we did lots of cool stuff like making our carnival masks and learning our dance. At the end of the week we performed our dance called the Samba! We all had a lot of fun in this class.
Friday, 14 September 2018
For art this term we have been working on our crosses. My design is a heart balloon surrounded by vines with a candle at the bottom. We all made at least one cross, and some people made two. This was a fun activity because of the painting which was really fun. We are making the crosses to hang around the school and everyone in school has created one.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Author Talk
Today we had an author come in and talk to us about his books. His name was Raymond Huber. Lots of his books were about bees like Sting, Flight of the Honey Bee and Wings. My favorite story of his is Flight of the Honey Bee. It's my favorite because it is about a bee that is trying to find his family. I'm sure we all like his books as much as I do.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Info Report on Black Milk Snake
For writing we have been making slides about reptiles. I picked the European milk snake. I picked the European milk snake because I thought it was different and because I wanted to learn more about this type of snake. Read my slide to learn about these awesome snake.
Info Report on Hamsters
Did you know that hamsters can stuff 5 carrots in their mouth and look really funny doing it! This is because it has a massive cheeks that can store food and make their head triple in size.
Russian dwarf hamsters only live 2-4 years in captivity while Syrian hamsters only live 2-3 years in captivity Hamsters range in size from the largest breed, the European hamster at 34 centimeters long, the smallest, the dwarf hamster at 10.5 cm long.
They store fruit in the summer and live off it during the winter months. The only problem with this? By the time they get to it, the fruit has fermented. In order to eat it, the hamsters have grown comparatively large livers that allow them to process alcohol quickly. Hamsters like veggies and fruits. While they should only be about 10% of their total diet, a few bites of banana, strawberry, carrot or lettuce is a healthy treat.
Syrian hamsters live in dry habitats from southern Turkey to northern Syria. The first hamsters were discovered in Syria though they also live in Greece, Romania, Belgium and northern China.
I think we should stop killing wild hamsters so more people can have them as pets. So stop killing wild hamsters.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Polar App
Today we made an app about habitats, and we made it about our diorama. My diorama was about the polar region so I had to make my app about the polar region too. I had to do lots of research to do this activity. It was fun doing this because I got to do a lot of drawing.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Mini BB Fair
Yesterday was the Mini BB fair witch means Baking and Books. I bought two cookies for fifty cent and also a book for two dollars it was called the Mark of the Thief it is a really interesting book I recommend it. We did the BB fair to raise money for a moral on the power box outside the school we raised $750. The school was crammed yesterday I could hardly move it was that crammed. I had a fun day hanging with all my friends.
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Fractions poster

Thursday, 9 August 2018
St Mary Mackillop

Fractions Flip Book
Today I have been working on a fractions flip book. We had to colour in the fractions up to one twelfth and on the back is shade the fractions where you colour in the fraction on the back of the fraction on the front. It works like you do the first one and then you flip it over and shade one half. We all had a lot of fun doing this activity. The booklets are to help us learn our fraction sizes.
Monday, 30 July 2018
This is a Quatrain. I made my one about Minecraft.
- A. I built my house of wood
- A. Better than any zombie could
- B. I have to craft an axe
- B. in case a creeper attacks
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Hansel and Gretel
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Limerick Poem
This is a limerick poem. My one is about bod the minion.
There once was a minion named Bob
He had only one job
He had to stay
And run the x-ray
But he melted it into a blob.
Monday, 2 July 2018
How a Microwave Works
WALT: write an explanation of how something works
Some of you might be thinking how does a microwave work? Well I am going to explain to you how one works.
Firstly a microwave has three main components a magnetron, waveguide and a food chamber without these three components your microwave won’t work.
When you put your food in the microwave and press the timer button you will not see them but there are heat ray that are cooking your food that you don’t even know their there.
Remember never put metal in a microwave because when the waves hit the metal and they get reflected coursing problems.
The reflected waves get absorbed and start flying all around the place and when they hit the metal it starts cracking it coursing the microwave to malfunction and explode so remember never put metal in a microwave.
I hope you learnt something about microwaves.
Some of you might be thinking how does a microwave work? Well I am going to explain to you how one works.
Firstly a microwave has three main components a magnetron, waveguide and a food chamber without these three components your microwave won’t work.
When you put your food in the microwave and press the timer button you will not see them but there are heat ray that are cooking your food that you don’t even know their there.
Remember never put metal in a microwave because when the waves hit the metal and they get reflected coursing problems.
The reflected waves get absorbed and start flying all around the place and when they hit the metal it starts cracking it coursing the microwave to malfunction and explode so remember never put metal in a microwave.
I hope you learnt something about microwaves.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Ode Poem
This is called an Ode poem. We have been doing these for the last two days. They are normally about everyday items that we like. These are fun poems because they are about random items that you see every day.
To Puffer Jacket.
You're as soft as my pillow.
You're as warm as a heat pump.
You're a blanket with sleeves.
You put your snugly sleeves around me.
Oh how I love you, Puffer Jacket!
To Puffer Jacket.
You're as soft as my pillow.
You're as warm as a heat pump.
You're a blanket with sleeves.
You put your snugly sleeves around me.
Oh how I love you, Puffer Jacket!
Monday, 25 June 2018
Our Prodution
This is our school production. It is called The Toy Shop On Zip Zap Avenue. This is us: we were Barbies and Kens. We danced to the song Barbie Girl. The production was about a toy getting bought and celebrating that he left the store on Zip Zap Avenue. The dance was really fun because we were wearing crazy wigs.
Friday, 8 June 2018
Self portraits
For art this week we have been doing shading on pictures of ourselves. We had to blend colour for our clothes and hair. My favorite part was blending the colour together to make new colours.
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Cross Country
This is me at cross country on Tuesday. We had to run a long way it was tough but I did and it it was really fun. I was excited because I got to race my friends and cheer for other people.
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
We have been doing posters about countries around the world and their cultures. For my country poster I did Sweden. I learnt that Stefan löfven is the president of Sweden. I also learned that they have a population of 9.903 million and the Black Death plague arrived in 1350 and killed lots of people. It is a European country.
Jesus's Saving Work
For R.E we have been learning about Jesus's saving work. We split into groups to act out a Bible reading by doing a play, dance or a mime. We did a mime on a reading called the Ten Lepers. We did it so we can understand Jesus's saving work. This is our video.
Monday, 28 May 2018
Roll and answer
Today in maths we played a game called Roll an Answer. It tests the skills we have learnt this year like rounding, place value, addition and subtraction. My group did a board game about subtraction. Roll an Answer.
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
The Bach
The Bach
The Bach was usual enough:
It had
Four streets, a beach, a farm nearby,
kids playing scootering up and down the path
Me and my cousin wandered down to the beach
boogie boarding on the waves and dozing in the hot sun, making massive sand castles
Dogging sand balls, swimming like fish in the sea.
Eating our melting ice-cream and ice-blocks, going home and having dinner
doing nothing important.
By Xavier
Thursday, 3 May 2018
How a microwave works.
WALT: Write an explanation of how a household object works.
Some of you might be thinking how does a microwave work? Well I am going to explain to you how one works.
Firstly a microwave has three main components: a magnetron, wave guide and a food chamber. Without these three components your microwave won’t work.
When you put your food in the microwave and press the timer button you will not see them but there are heat rays that are cooking your food that you don’t even know are there. A microwave cooks your food twice as fast and twice as fast as a normal oven and it will save you twice as much energy.
Remember never put metal in a microwave because when the waves hit the metal they get reflected which causes problems.
The reflected waves get absorbed and start flying all around the place and when they hit the metal it starts cracking it. This causes the microwave to malfunction and explode so remember never put metal in a microwave.
I hope you learnt something about microwaves from reading my explanation.
Some of you might be thinking how does a microwave work? Well I am going to explain to you how one works.
Firstly a microwave has three main components: a magnetron, wave guide and a food chamber. Without these three components your microwave won’t work.
When you put your food in the microwave and press the timer button you will not see them but there are heat rays that are cooking your food that you don’t even know are there. A microwave cooks your food twice as fast and twice as fast as a normal oven and it will save you twice as much energy.
Remember never put metal in a microwave because when the waves hit the metal they get reflected which causes problems.
The reflected waves get absorbed and start flying all around the place and when they hit the metal it starts cracking it. This causes the microwave to malfunction and explode so remember never put metal in a microwave.
I hope you learnt something about microwaves from reading my explanation.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Senses poem
This is a senses poem about the storm in Auckland.
The Storm!!!
I see the lightning strike the town multiple times.
I hear the thunder rolling and glass shattering all over the floor.
I smell the burnt mince coming from the pan.
I taste the crispy shell of my taco crunch in my mouth.
I touch the cold dark chocolate in my ice-cream dripping on my hand as it melts.
It makes me feel exited.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Monday, 9 April 2018
A Mantra
This is my mantra. A mantra is a quote that makes you feel happy and inspired.
Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people.
Friday, 6 April 2018
The empty tomb
This is what we have been doing the last few days for R.E. This is the tomb where Jesus lay after his body had been taken down off the cross.It is a symble of Easter.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
This is a mantra poem. A mantra is basically just a meme. This is my mantra.
Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself
to other people.
Friday, 2 March 2018
Friday, 16 February 2018
All about me
Hi, my name is Xavier.
I enjoy playing sport I am very good at it. My favourite sport is soccer but I like swimming in the ocean or a pool. I play soccer on the weekend and I score lots of goals. I have a cousin at my school I play with her all the time we play soccer. I have lots of friends Liam, Otis, Xavier, Riley, Noah, Kara, Henry, Tupou and Vincent those are all my friends. I love spaghetti! It's my favourite dish. I hope you learnt a bit about me.
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