Monday 2 July 2018

How a Microwave Works

WALT: write an explanation of how something works

Some of you might be thinking how does a microwave work? Well I am going to explain to you how one works.

Firstly a microwave has three main components a magnetron, waveguide and a food chamber without these three components your microwave won’t work.

When you put your food in the microwave and press the timer button you will not see them but there are heat ray that are cooking your food that you don’t even know their there.

Remember never put metal in a microwave because when the waves hit the metal and they get reflected coursing problems.

The reflected waves get absorbed and start flying all around the place and when they hit the metal it starts cracking it coursing the microwave to malfunction and explode so remember never put metal in a microwave.

I hope you learnt something about microwaves.

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