Friday, 6 December 2019


Once there was a guy from Welly 
Who had a really big belly 
He ate a curry
Pooped in a hurry 

And now he is really smelly

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Haikus Poem


Haikus are easy
But some don’t make any sense


Five syllables here
Seven more syllables here
Are you happy now

Friday, 6 September 2019

Unitech Marae Visit

On wednesday 28th August the whole school went to a Marae. When we arrived we were greeted by the caller who sang a song for us to walk forward into the Marae. there was a morning tea which was milo biscuits and apples and oranges. when it was time to go back to school all the year five and six boy did the haka which was my favorite part. It was sad when we went back because it was lots of fun.

Friday, 30 August 2019

Procedure Writing

How to Blow Bubblegum

By Luka, Xavier F, Xavier P 

I am learning to write a procedure for my audience to follow. 

A piece of bubblegum, Hubba Bubba 

Step 1: Take one piece of Hubba Bubba gum and unwrap the gum. 

Step 2: Place the gum into your mouth and put wrapper into the bin.

Step 3: Chew on one side of your mouth until gum is stretchy.

Step 4: Make the gum into a ball in your mouth.

Step 5: Squish the ball on the roof of your mouth

Step 6: Wrap around the tip of your tongue.

Step 7: Blow into your bubblegum and wait till inflated.

Step 8: Seal the bubble with your lips. 

Step 9: Enjoy! 

Friday, 16 August 2019

Visual Arts

You hold the future in your hands.

In Term 2 our Visual Arts focused was on Mixed Media. We finally finished our pieces of art at the end of the term. We started off by creating two hands, most of us copied our own hands as templates. One hand represents our past and the other hand our future. We used lots of different materials and symbols to make our artwork as well as exploring a range of different techniques with watercolor paint. This is my art work.